Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happpy Eid!!

Today it is Eid el Adha, I woke up an hour ago. As I opened my eyes mom told me that Saddam Hussein the former president of Iraq was executed in the early morning. I felt like crying and I was completely deeply into shock! Although I don’t like him and I condemn his crimes and his killings. But it’s not right 2 do it in the holly day of Eid, a holly day for a billion Muslim around the world. I saw it as a clear carelessness of the feelings of all Muslims. These cowards!
While I was writing this post, I saw a video for the last 70 seconds in Saddam’s life and it was so painful. They came and put a rope around his neck, he refused to put a black bag on his head and he was so calm and peaceful. I just broke into tears. God I hate America.
Iraq was a strong country b4 the American occupation, although it suffered 4m the siege for 13 years but it was safe and peaceful. ppl were able to live their lives. They hadn’t had much of a freedom but at least they lived! Now they r killed randomly and in huge numbers. Iraq now is a turning 2 large massacre zone, every 1 is killing every 1.American troops ruined this country. They destroyed a country that had a civilization that goes back 2 6000 years ago…..
This Eid was supposed 2 be happy time for all Muslims, but its not. I hope that next Eid will be much better for Iraqi’s and 4 all Muslims who r living their worst days. I know that Iraq will rise again but after the occupation ends and 4 all Americans I say that u r murderers, u r killing hundreds of thousand of innocent ppl in Iraq.
May God end the sadness in our hearts and bring peace and harmony 2 our lives.
Happy Eid!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

so weird

I have nothing 2 say coz its so hard 2 express what u wanna say especially when u r not used of doing this.
I just turned 21,all my life I have managed 2 hide my true feelings coz in my family its wrong 2 do that. naturaly as a girl between 4 brothers its normal 2 be practical and rarely emotional but I think its becoming an issue for me.
iam becoming really frustrated and more isolated from other ppl.its really unhealthy 2 keep it all in so I decided 2 let it out in a way that keeps my image anddignity.
I decided 2 blog all my thoughts here and we'll c how things go from here.....

thats it for now guys:)
C u later